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topleft icon Sniper Guide - Tabula Rasa topright icon
Posted on 06 October 2007 at 19:05:00 by Magi. | Print Articles Send To Friend

Ranger Class, Sniper Division

This military marksman is master of the Torque Shell Guns, long range warfare, and striking from cover. Delivering devastating surprise attacks on hostiles, these weapon experts are the scourge of the enemy. Any soldier looking forward to picking off as many enemies as possible before openly engaging them in combat should seek out training as a Sniper.

The Sniper uses LOGOS powers to fire at long range and from concealed locations. Snipers thrive as the phantom killer on the battlefield, secretly delivering deadly attacks to influence the course of battle in their favor.

You will start your training as a soldier and advance to the rank of Ranger before the Sniper Division will accept you. Some of the LOGOS abilities you will learn as a Sniper are:

 Called Shot
This LOGOS ability allows the Sniper to target a particular body part on a humanoid opponent. Advanced training allows the Sniper to more accurately target additional body parts, each delivering different types of damage depending on the type of called shot used.

 Shredder Rounds
A Sniper is able to coat their current weapon magazine with a substance that adds damage to each shot. Though it only works on rifles, pistols, and Torque shell guns, the damage inflicted by these specialized rounds can be very substantial.

 Crit Wave
This is a Sniper’s Signature Ability. You will learn to set up a 25m zone around your location that does not move with you, but can encompass an entire squad. The aim of all allies within the zone is increased so they have a greater chance to critically hit their target.

In order to best prepare for deployment as a Sniper, you will receive training in multiple weapons including Chain Guns and Net Guns. Because much of your attacks on the enemy will be from a distance, you will also receive specialized training in the use of AFS Torque Shell Guns, which fire self-propelled rounds that are capable of delivering substantial damage at great distances as they accelerate and build up kinetic energy. These specialized guns are also highly accurate and quiet, eliminating loud shots that could give away a Sniper’s position.

Richard Garriott's Tabula Rasa game content and materials are trademarks and copyrights of NCsoft Corporation and its Licensors and used with permission. All rights reserved


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